Rocky Mountain Bee Plant

$ 2.50

Cleome serrulata

One of the showiest wildflowers in the western and prairie regions of the United States is the beautiful pink-flowered Rocky Mountain Bee plant. Often found along dry roadsides and waste places, this annual herb that can grow up to 4-feet tall.

Attracts Bees, Attracts Butterflies, Attracts Pollinators, Easy to Grow & Maintain.

Rocky Moutain Beeplant, as the name suggests, is a favorite among native pollinators–including hummingbirds. Also known as Wild Cleome, this North American wildflower has a unique look to it—the blooms consist of clusters of tiny purple florets sitting atop each stem that open from the bottom up to the top.

Cleome serrulata has traditionally been considered a member of the Caper (Capparidaceae) family but recent genetic studies indicate that it is much more closely related to the Mustard (Brassicaceae) family. Many current floras have adopted a new scientific classification in recognizing the family, Cleomaceae.

Contains 100 seeds

NEW ARRIVAL for 2024

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