Ceci Neri, Black Garbanzo Bean

$ 2.50

95-120 days.

Known as Ceci Neri in Italy, this heirloom legume has a firm texture and a delicious nutty flavor.

Black Garbanzos are much denser than classic Garbanzos, making them ideal for salads, stews, or even baked dishes. The skins are thicker but they are not chewy or tough, just a little more interesting.

The beans are also great for sprouts, soups, stews, and pasta salads.

Chickpeas need a long growing season with 95-115 days to maturity. Garbanzo beans grow best when daytime temperatures are between 70-80 degrees and nighttime lows are 65 and above.

Contains 25 heirloom seeds

NEW ARRIVAL for 2023

Harvest Info:
Use fresh pods when they are still green. For dry seeds, wait until the plants turn brown and then allow them to dry completely on a flat surface. Harvest the seeds as the pods split when they are completely dry.