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WEEKEND SEED GIVEAWAY OCTOBER 2024 at Mary's Heirloom Seeds

Mary Smith |

This is the SECOND seed giveaway this month!

I love offering Seed Giveaways!

We currently use Rafflecopter for our giveaway. You do not need to complete every single entry in order to enter. EACH ENTRY IS A SEPARATE OPPORTUNITY TO WIN. The entry form is at the bottom of the page.

Before we get to the amazing giveaway prizes...

As an added bonus, Mary's Heirloom Seeds has a discount code available for Seed Combo Packs

Use code: SEEDCOMBO24

at checkout to take 10% off every single seed combo pack

Ready for the giveaway info?
There will be 1 winner chosen on October 21st!
This giveaway is open to all residents of the US and Canada.
No purchase necessary.


Mary’s Heirloom Seeds

ONE WINNER  will receive

A seed storage box full of HEIRLOOM SEEDS from Mary's Heirloom Seeds


Now for the details...

  • Giveaway begins on 10/17/24 at 5pm central time and ends at 11:59 pm on 10/20/24
  • ONE winner will be selected at random
  • Winners must live in the United States or Canada
  • This one is important...We will email the winner on October 21st. If the winner does not respond within 48 hours, a new winner will be selected at random
  • All entries will be added to our e-newsletter mailing list for Mary's Heirloom Seeds


a Rafflecopter giveaway


Coneflower is my favorite


My favorite pollinator friendly plant is the zinnia flower. I contribute so much of my garden’s success this year to the presence of zinnia flowers and their inviting nature to bring in the bees and butterflies. They were happily bouncing from flower to watermelon and all over this year!

Katherine Carrington ,

Golden Rod is my favourite

Rachel ,

Favorite pollinators is lavender, marigold and wildflowers.

Calshondra Williams ,

My favorite pollinator plants are wildflowers!

Pamela Hathorn,

I love letting basil plants flower The bee love the flowers

Evan Hillis,

pollinators LOVE all the cucumber blooms in my garden

Jennifer Johnson,

Your posts are inspiring. Maybe I’ll get a green thumb after all :)


Marigold bring the bees!

Theresa Sutherland,

My favorite pollinator plant is salvia. I have a number of different varieties growing!

Kay Z,

I love milkweed for polinators, but also sedum autumn joy and my cherry tree.


bumblebees go absolutely bonkers over the comfrey I’ve planted, there’s usually 10-30 of them on one plant every time I walk past it



Diane Redcay,

My pollinators love lavender and also my vitex tree in full bloom.


My absolute favorite pollinator friendly plants are zinnia, and moldavian dragonhead balm
Both of these are absolutely loved by both bees and butterflies alike

Inga Montalvo,

I love the seeds I buy from Mary’s! I love the deals they give as well as their surprise seed packets.


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