Mealy Blue Sage

$ 3.00

Salvia farinacea

Also called Mealy Sage and Mealy Cup Sage.


Mealy blue sage is a great perennial for full sun or light shade. It gets 2-3′ tall by about 3′ wide. It does get a little taller in shade and more sprawling in the sun.

They are very drought tolerant, meaning that they can take periods of drought, but they do prefer to be watered regularly.

Native to the plains, prairies, meadows and woodland edges of Mexico, Texas and New Mexico.

Both the scientific and common names refer to the powdery white felted hairs on the flower calyx and upper stems; this extremely fine white pubescence is referred to as farinose (“mealy” means covered with powdery meal; farina is Latin for flour or meal).

The leaves and flowers are edible and can be eaten raw, cooked or used as a garnish

Contains approx. 50 seeds

NEW ARRIVAL for 2023

Sowing: Direct sow in late fall, pressing into the surface of the soil since this plant needs light to germinate. For spring planting, mix the seeds with moist sand and store in the refrigerator for 30 days before planting. Keep the soil lightly moist until germination, which usually takes 1-2 weeks