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Create A Wishlist at Mary's Heirloom Seeds

Create A Wishlist at Mary's Heirloom Seeds

Mary Smith |

Good morning and Happy Sunday!
I can feel Fall in the air.  We're having cooler mornings but still warm days. Today is a great day to pull up old plants and plant Fall Seeds (we'll post pics on facebook)

Wondering what to plant now?
now available on our website
We've had several requests lately so today we're offering NEW articles with info to help you better Plan and Plant.

As a grower/farmer/homesteader, we understand that sometimes your "wishlist" might be larger than your budget or your garden space.  With over 500 heirloom seed varieties available at Mary's Heirloom Seeds, it's not always easy to decide which varieties to purchase and plant.  Recently someone on our facebook page asked about creating a wishlist option on our site.

Here's what we came up with...
Create an account at Mary's Heirloom Seeds.  You'll see the option on the top right corner of the page if your on a desktop (pictured).  If you're on a mobile device, it's under "Menu" and at the bottom of the drop-down list.

From there, enter your info in the boxes provided
(pictured below)

You will receive an email confirmation as soon as you're signed up.  From there, you can add any items you would like to your cart as a wishlist.  If you do not receive this email, your info might not have been saved or you might have a filter on your email
We do not "dump" carts so you can continue to add or take away from your cart at any time.  If for some reason you cannot access your cart, you can always send us an email.  We have the option to send out an email with a link to recover your account.

As always, if you have additional questions or concerns we are happy to help.
Please email mary@marysheirloomseeds.com
with your questions.


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I thought I was adding items to my wish list that I could add to my cart later. Where is the wish list?


Thanks for saving the seeds!


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