Calico Popcorn

$ 2.50

90-105 days.  Zea mays
An heirloom dual-purpose corn with 5–8" ears that look like smaller versions of Indian corn.
Kernels are yellow, brown, white, purple, red, and blue. A hard to find gourmet popcorn.

Calico Popcorn Corn is a warm to hot season annual, sensitive to cool soil.

Calico is both decorative and edible so you can hang it on your door in fall and pop the very same batch on Thanksgiving.

Contains 30 heirloom seeds

NEW ARRIVAL for 2023
Planting Instructions: Seeds should be sown in warm conditions, covered very lightly (depth of ¼ - ½ inch) and kept reasonably moist until seedlings emerge. 
Grow in full sun.  Thin Seedlings 6-8 inches apart.
Does not transplant well.  Do not over water.